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Mostrando resultados de 1387
  • Webquest: Animal life cycles | Recurso educativo 9372

    Webquest: Animal life cycles

    Php Webquest Organización

    • 3170 visitas

    The resource contains a webquest focused on animal life cycles. We study butterflies, frogs, birds and fish. We work in groups. We make a report about an animal life cycle. We create a strip drawing…

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  • Webquest: A journey to London | Recurso educativo 38799

    Webquest: A journey to London

    Eduxunta Organización

    • 2363 visitas

    In this webquest we organise a journey to London. We do an online research to arrange the plane tickets, hotels, visits in the city, restaurants, etc. We work in groups in order to present a word…

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  • A la recerca dels víkings | Recurso educativo 1089

    A la recerca dels víkings

    Xtec Organización

    • 2 lo usan
    • 4581 visitas

    Webquest per conèixer el passat i present de Dinamarca. A partir d`un missatge secret escrit en l`alfabet rúnic dels víkings, els alumnes es ficaran en la pell d`un historiador, d`un lingüista o…

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  • What are they doing? | Recurso educativo 5207

    What are they doing?

    Xtec Organización

    • 3244 visitas

    Propuesta de actividades de lengua inglesa cuyo objetivo es trabajar el "present continuous" mediante audición, imágenes y escritura. Se trabajan las formas verbales, los pronombres, las preguntas y…

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  • Video: Home | Recurso educativo 31844

    Video: Home

    Esl video Organización

    • 2335 visitas

    This song by Michael Buble is about homesickness. It uses passives, second conditionals, simple past and present perfect. In the quiz we have to fill in the gaps in the lyrics. There are a full…

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  • Video: We are the World | Recurso educativo 39597

    Video: We are the World

    Educatube Organización

    • 2298 visitas

    This song by Michael Jackson is performed here by Lionel Richie, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Springsteen, Cindy Lauper, Tina Turner and other stars. This version shows subtitles in Spanish. The…

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  • Video: This is the last time | Recurso educativo 38173

    Video: This is the last time

    Esl video Organización

    • 2312 visitas

    This song by Keane is about things left unsaid or ignored in a relationship, which in the long run bring about a separation. Students can discuss to what extent sincerity is necessary. They can listen…

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  • Recorda el que has après sobre el nostre passat i contesta, al quadern, ... | Recurso educativo 519430

    Recorda el que has après sobre el nostre passat i contesta, al quadern, ...

    EduBook Organización

    • 1875 visitas

    Explica què és el passat, el present i el futur. Què significa "datar un esdeveniment"? Com representem els esdeveniments del passat ordenats cronològicament? Esmenta les diferents mesures…

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  • Class struggle | Recurso educativo 483946

    Class struggle

    EduBook Organización

    • 1879 visitas

    The history of all societies to this present day is the history of class struggle. Free men and slaves, patricians and plebeians, lords and serfs, guild-masters and journeymen, in a word, oppressor and…

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  • Joc de rol sobre el conflicte armat de Burundi | Recurso educativo 25035

    Joc de rol sobre el conflicte armat de Burundi

    Edualter Organización

    • 2430 visitas

    L'objectiu de la present activitat és entendre les causes que porten a les persones a participar en un conflicte armat. Posarem en pràctica l’empatia. Valorarem la importància del rol de cada actor…

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